School Lunches Looking Different This Year?
We Can Help!
Lunch programs may be different this year. Some students may eat lunch in a classroom. Some students may have hybrid schedules where they attend on-site some days and online other days. If either of those apply to your school, checkout the "Special Features" listed below.- Collect Orders In Advance Online Then Distribute To Classrooms
Families can order and pay for school lunches in advance.
- IF Needed, Electronically Collect Classroom Orders Each Morning
Families pre-pay for lunch orders collected at school.
School staff can easily record classroom orders on-site each morning
- Run Classroom Lunch Reports In Advance Or Daily
Classroom Reports make it easy to deliver lunches to classrooms.
- Easily Label Wrapped or Bagged Lunches For Quick Distribution
Label reports generate daily lunch labels which are easily attached to
wrapped or bagged lunches for easy distribution. Each lunch label lists
the student’s name, classroom, and what the student ordered for that day.
If students attend school on-site some days and online other days, Lunch Group
reports make it easy to collect, track, and properly serve the lunches each day.